Transportation and civil engineering drives growth of geosynthetics
Geotextiles and other geosynthetics are used in contact with soil or rock in a civil engineering operation.
26th October 2017
Innovation in Textiles
Geotextiles and other geosynthetics are used in contact with soil or rock in a civil engineering operation. They are capable of performing a wide range of functions, including confinement, drainage, erosion control, filtration, materials separation, monitoring, soil reinforcement, sealing and stress relief.
Specific applications include the construction of embankments, landfills, pipelines, railways, retaining structures, roads, tunnels, coastline protection works and marine structures. Geotextiles and other geosynthetics are making gains at the expense of traditional construction materials—reflecting the fact that they provide scope for achieving reductions in transport and labour costs, in the amount of fill material needed, and in the duration of a project.
Also, they have a much lower impact on the environment than traditional technologies which use natural soils as they provide scope for reducing CO2 emissions and the amount of excavation needed.
This report provides a wealth of information on the market for geotextiles and other geosynthetics, including types and applications, and the leading manufacturers of such products. It also includes recent developments in the sector and case studies of major projects.
Publisher: Textiles Intelligence
20 pages, published October 2017
Report price: Euro 265.00; US$ 350.00
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