Circulose in 50% blend for denim
This report provides vital data and analysis of trends in trade in denim fabric and denim jeans.
25th July 2023
Innovation in Textiles
United Kingdom
Report summary
The global denim fabric industry has been negatively affected by a number of factors in recent years - not least sharp fluctuations in the price of raw cotton. These have prompted manufacturers to use a smaller proportion of cotton in their denim fabric products and this has opened up new opportunities in terms of developing new fibre blends and expanding into new markets.
The report focuses in detail on the leading denim fabric exporting and importing countries as well as the leading countries which supply denim jeans to the EU and the USA. Countries analysed in the report include Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Colombia, Egypt, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Turkey, the USA and Vietnam.
World imports and exports of denim fabric were down in 2022 and, as a result, they remained well below the peaks reached in 2011. The world's top denim fabric exporting country in 2022 was China while the top denim fabric importing country was Bangladesh. Also, Bangladesh was the largest supplier of denim jeans to the EU and the USA.
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Publisher: Textiles Intelligence
'International trade in denim fabric and denim jeans, 2023'
39 pages, published in June 2023
Report price: Euro 470.00; US$ 615.00
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