DyStar marks sustainability progress
Company remains cautiously optimistic about its financial and environmental performance.
14th September 2022
Innovation in Textiles
DyStar, a leading specialty chemical company with a heritage of more than a century in product development and innovation, has released its twelfth annual Sustainability Performance Report. The report is prepared in accordance with the updated GRI Standards 2021: Core option. DyStar continues to adopt the Integrated Reporting (IR) framework to communicate how the group has successfully created tangible value across multiple stakeholder groups in six major capitals.
“DyStar is delighted to report that we have inched ourselves closer to some of our 2025 target of reducing our environmental footprint by 30% for every ton of product, from 2011 levels. While on others, we are working diligently to make more improvements. Here are some key highlights for FY2021,” a spokesperson for the company said.
- Recorded more than 29% increase in revenue compared to 2020
- Zero workplace fatalities, high-consequence injuries, and work-related ill health
- 40% reduction in Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission intensity, compared to 2011
- 37% decrease in wastewater emission intensity, compared to 2011
Mr. Xu Yalin, Executive Board Director of DyStar Group, commented: “As a leading specialty chemical manufacturer and producer, DyStar will continue to invest responsibly into product innovation and diversify into renewable energy, to drive sustainable outcomes across our value chain and industries.”
Mr. Eric Hopmann, CEO of DyStar Group, added: “We remain cautiously optimistic about the company's financial and environmental performance. The integrated value creation model that we began in 2020 has proven to be effective and will continue to support our efforts toward DyStar's 2025 Sustainability Master Plan."
“The Group was able to remain resilient and steer itself toward optimistic growth and recovery from the global pandemic in FY2021. In face of recent geopolitical events and macroeconomic factors such as soaring energy costs, DyStar and the wider supply chain will continue to face challenges. As a result, we believe it is crucial to stay committed to our 2025 Sustainability goals to continue generating value for all of our stakeholders in the longer term, well beyond these turbulent times.”
The report communicates DyStar’s progress towards its sustainability agenda and material topics. As part of its commitment to environmental sustainability, only an e-magazine and a PDF version will be made available for download from www.DyStar.com/sustainability-reports
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