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This report is the second in a series of three, in which the world's top 40 nonwovens producers are profiled.
15th August 2023
Innovation in Textiles
United Kingdom
Report summary
In this report Karen Bitz provides the latest information and analysis of the investments and strategies of 20 medium sized producers, namely: Avgol; Dalian Ruiguang Nonwoven Group; Fibertex Nonwovens; Fibertex Personal Care; Gülsan Holding; Hassan Group; Hollingsworth & Vose; Jinjiang Xingtai Non-woven Products; Jofo Group; KNH Enterprise; Mitsui Chemicals; Nan Liu Enterprise; PFNonwovens; Sandler; Shalag Nonwovens; Spuntech Industries; Suominen Nonwovens; TWE Group; Union Industries; and Zhejiang Kingsafe Nonwovens.
The world's 20 medium sized producers profiled in this report together accounted for about 29%, or US$6.7 bn worth, of sales by the top 40 in 2021--the latest year for which comprehensive data are available. Looking ahead, the global market for nonwoven fabrics is expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate of 6.5% between 2021 and 2027, from US$39.8 bn to US$57.9 bn.
Growth will be driven by demand for nonwoven fabrics for making lightweight automotive components. It will also be driven by the development of smart nonwoven fabrics and blast-resistant curtains. Further growth will stem from technological advances in manufacturing technologies, and research and development (R&D) in the production of environmentally sustainable fabrics.
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Publisher: Textiles Intelligence
'The world nonwovens industry: part 2--20 medium sized producers, July 2023'
78 pages, published in July 2023
Report price: Euro 635.00; US$ 835.00
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